Annually since 1911 there has been a day dedicated to the strength and advancement of women. On this day women (and men) are encouraged to support our gender, break down stereotypes, and appreciate contributions made in the previous year. The day is March 8, and in 2020 there is much to celebrate. So, if you’re wondering how you can take part in this important annual event, allow us to provide you with 4 simple, fun ideas!
But first, let’s quickly review the basics of this important date.
Why Is There An International Women’s Day?
International Women’s Day was established to draw attention to women’s issues, commemorate notable events in the advancement of women, and promote gender equality. While as a collective we’ve begun to shake things up and show our strength in the workforce, there is still much to change. We can take pride in knowing that the number of women in positions of power in corporate America has steadily risen from 9% in the late 90s to 20% in 2017. Progress, true, but an opportunity for quicker growth remains.
What Is International Women’s Day Theme?
Every year the IWD Foundation creates a theme to better promote gender equality. For 2020 that theme is Each For Equal. The mission is to focus on gender parity and rid biases no matter what your sexual identity is. It’s a powerful message that posits everyone should have access to equal opportunities, equal pay, and equal representation, no matter their gender identity.
Now, about those 4 ways you can show your support...
1. Join In On A Women’s Meetup or Workshop
One way to take part in International Women’s Day is to go out and get social. Yes, we’re talking about networking with other women that may be in your chosen field, share your interests, or are simply earnest people looking to connect.
Local meetup groups are a fantastic way to show your support for other women while also receiving support yourself. No matter your fancy, you can find an event that suits you. There are some that are centered around feminist initiaitives (book clubs, for example), or others that are centered around career achievements. A great site to use for this is meetup.com which has dozens of options for you to choose from!
The point is to find something that resonates with you and supports the sisterhood.
2. Find A Mentor
If you don’t yet have someone in your life to consult and help guide your decisions, then take this as an opportunity to scope out a mentor. Perhaps there’s someone you work with you admire, someone who has been in your shoes, from whom you would like to learn. Fortune favors the bold, so why not use International Women’s Day as a conversation starter? Use this day to take a chance; drop her an email letting her know you would love an opportunity to learn about her path to success! Maybe ask to take her to lunch to discuss your careers’. More than likely, she’ll be flattered by your interest.
Not one to put yourself out there at work? Totally cool. You can find a mentor online at one of the below sites! (Gotta love the internet, right?).
Any one of the above will connect you with a diverse network of women who are willing to provide invaluable guidance.
3. Connect With Your Support Group
Whether you have one best friend, or a few, it’s super important to keep in contact with her/them and remind her/them how much they mean to you. As adults our lives can get pretty busy and the weeks can just fly by. As a result, before you know it, it’s been a month since the last time you hung out together.
If there’s one thing all of us should do this women’s day, it’s to take the time to appreciate those women who have always, without quetion, been there for us. The ones who have supported you when you got back with your ex (begrudgingly) or treated you to drinks when you got that long-awaited raise.
After all, in the end, our friendships are what give life meaning.
4. Support A Local, Female-Founded Business
This is such a simple way to show your appreciation and support in the business world for females. There are plenty of boss babes out there grinding away, day and night, to turn their dreams into reality. Find a female-founded brand that sells something you like and buy from them! This is also qualifies as a way to celebrate yourself as a woman with a little #treatyoself gift while helping another woman to pursue her goals.
That’s a wrap on our 4 ways to get out and celebrate International Women’s Day! We hope these have been inspiring, and for all you women reading, we wish you the best this year as you accomplish everything you set out to do. We admire and support you all the way!